Drizzle is quite steady, light precipitation. The drop size of drizzle is smaller than so as to of rain, averaging 0.5 mm in diameter. Though drizzle may be produced by low cumuliform clouds, it is more usually associated with stratiform clouds.
Freezing drizzle occurs when supercooled drops land on a surface whose temperature is below freezing. This occurrence can occur at very low temperatures -- Yellowknife had several hours of freezing drizzle on January 31, 1997 while the temperature remained near -18oC (0oF).
Freezing drizzle occurs when supercooled drops land on a surface whose temperature is below freezing. This occurrence can occur at very low temperatures -- Yellowknife had several hours of freezing drizzle on January 31, 1997 while the temperature remained near -18oC (0oF).
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